Friday, September 21, 2007

Friday, September 14, 2007

you get what you pay for...

so all things considered, my super cheap apartment has been a major crap-hole. The crazy thing is because i have had so many issues i keep getting free stuff. case in point: my internet was recently turned off because apparently when someone else moved into the apartment building, comcast thought that i had moved out, and they shut off my internet, without notifying me. in dealing with them on this issue for over a week they kept asking (to my complete annoyance) "Are you sure you still live there?" Finally, it was turned on, and then when i went to pay my bill, i found out that they had paid it for me, also without my knowledge. so even though things about my apartment really suck sometimes, when these annoyances get me out of having to pay for things i really love it. sometimes you get what you pay for, and other times, things go so badly you just stop having to pay.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

I love this show (and this song)

Process Enacted: by Jordan C Greenhalgh

Pol-A-Roid coolness.

legos + fruit snacks = awesomeness????

you would think this would be the awesomest idea ever, but alas it is not. First of all the fruit snacks do not taste very good, and i am a fruit snack lover. Also they do not fit together (as you can see). I know this is a tall order for a snack food made out of gelatin, but i mean come on, they're LEGOs.

point being: the idea is better than the actual follow through, unfortunately.

gas update

so just so you all know...i finally got my gas turned on and a new fridge. the new fridge was awhile ago and the gas was later, almost a month after the leak. A MONTH WITHOUT HOT WATER OR STOVETOP COOKING ABILITIES. A MONTH. so needless to say i have been pissed. but, on the major plus side, i will hopefully be getting two months free rent, which would totally make the month of hell well worth it. so, we'll see what happens.

art school nightmare

so last night i had one of my dreams. I have been having lots of dreams like this, which is why i mention it. so here goes: i was in an art class and i was working on this project and the teacher told me and this other girl that we needed to have two pieces ready to be critiqued for next class. only us. only 2 pieces. ok. i did the work, but then right before the next class started i could not find the pieces, so i figured i must have left them at school so i just went to class and i found all this work i had done for other projects, but i could not find the new work. to make matters worse EVERYONE had work ready to critique AND they all had 9-12 pieces!!! I started freaking out and crying and the teacher told me she said everyone needed 9-12 pieces by today. i continued freaking out. then someone asked me if i needed sleep. Then i woke up.

i am no longer in art school, but i keep wondering...when do the nightmares stop?