Sunday, July 22, 2007

why cant the boys on capitol hill keep their pants on?

"Just because people visit a whorehouse doesn't make them a bad person" this quote was from the madam of the brothel of which Republican Senator David Vitter was a client. well considering the fact that prostitution is illegal and and that Mr. Vitter is a Senator, someone who is in a LEGISLATIVE office no less, visiting a whorehouse, though it may not make him "bad" it definitely is illegal.

what bothers me about this is that it is like the bajillionth story of prostitution and adultery i have heard as of late concerning the wonderful gentlemen that hold office on capitol hill. Lady Bird Johnson recently passed away but not without the mention of her husband's legions of infidelities. JFK, Clinton, probably every man that has ever held office for all we know. it infuriates me. when Clinton was doing his thing with Monica i was too young to fully understand what the deal was. Granted, should he have been impeached over it? probably not, but it still was way inappropriate. He was getting blow jobs in the Oval office from a girl who was infatuated with him. I hate men like this whether they hold a political office or not. i've been cheated on, so every time i hear about some new infidelity story involving hookers and choir boys i am less and less surprised and more and more pissed off.

there are guys who work shitty jobs for peanuts who never will have their name in the paper until their obituary is printed, who dont cheat on their wives with mistresses or hookers or choir boys. they are just decent hard working people who care about the people in their lives.

if i could, i'd vote for them.

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