Monday, July 23, 2007

sometimes i hate being an adult

when i arrived home at 11PM this evening i was greeted with a very strong odor of gas or something. I rang my neighbors doorbell, he said he hadnt noticed anything, went back into his house and said no he did smell something. he came to my place and he could smell it too. then he went to bed. i went to work on a project, came back and it seemed worse. i started getting a headache and really dizzy so i called the gas company to report a leak. they arrived at 1:30 AM. the guy said he could smell something (though it wasnt as strong as before), but he couldnt really find a leak so he cut off the gas, possibly to the whole house, i do not really know. (there might be a lot of pissed tenants tomorrow). anyway it was just annoying and knowing cora bett realty who knows when they'll get it fixed. it drives me crazy that my neighbors didnt really care and that i had to deal with this in the middle of the night after work and in the middle of a project. i live alone, so i tend to err on the side of caution.

monday or tuesday i am supposed to be getting a new fridge, since mine hasnt worked correctly since march. i have to be here when they do that as i assume i will have to be here to take care of the gas leak as well so that i can explain everything to them, probably for the hundredth time.

life is exhausting.

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