Wednesday, July 25, 2007

gas free is the way to be

so they came to fix the gas today, but couldn't. the guy said it was a good catch, that the leak was severe. unfortunately they do not know when they will be able to get it fixed.
i just thank god i called. it's weird. that night when i was walking toward my apartment i thought something weird was up.

oh yeah: i never want to live in an apartment with gas ever again.

Monday, July 23, 2007

sometimes i hate being an adult

when i arrived home at 11PM this evening i was greeted with a very strong odor of gas or something. I rang my neighbors doorbell, he said he hadnt noticed anything, went back into his house and said no he did smell something. he came to my place and he could smell it too. then he went to bed. i went to work on a project, came back and it seemed worse. i started getting a headache and really dizzy so i called the gas company to report a leak. they arrived at 1:30 AM. the guy said he could smell something (though it wasnt as strong as before), but he couldnt really find a leak so he cut off the gas, possibly to the whole house, i do not really know. (there might be a lot of pissed tenants tomorrow). anyway it was just annoying and knowing cora bett realty who knows when they'll get it fixed. it drives me crazy that my neighbors didnt really care and that i had to deal with this in the middle of the night after work and in the middle of a project. i live alone, so i tend to err on the side of caution.

monday or tuesday i am supposed to be getting a new fridge, since mine hasnt worked correctly since march. i have to be here when they do that as i assume i will have to be here to take care of the gas leak as well so that i can explain everything to them, probably for the hundredth time.

life is exhausting.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

why cant the boys on capitol hill keep their pants on?

"Just because people visit a whorehouse doesn't make them a bad person" this quote was from the madam of the brothel of which Republican Senator David Vitter was a client. well considering the fact that prostitution is illegal and and that Mr. Vitter is a Senator, someone who is in a LEGISLATIVE office no less, visiting a whorehouse, though it may not make him "bad" it definitely is illegal.

what bothers me about this is that it is like the bajillionth story of prostitution and adultery i have heard as of late concerning the wonderful gentlemen that hold office on capitol hill. Lady Bird Johnson recently passed away but not without the mention of her husband's legions of infidelities. JFK, Clinton, probably every man that has ever held office for all we know. it infuriates me. when Clinton was doing his thing with Monica i was too young to fully understand what the deal was. Granted, should he have been impeached over it? probably not, but it still was way inappropriate. He was getting blow jobs in the Oval office from a girl who was infatuated with him. I hate men like this whether they hold a political office or not. i've been cheated on, so every time i hear about some new infidelity story involving hookers and choir boys i am less and less surprised and more and more pissed off.

there are guys who work shitty jobs for peanuts who never will have their name in the paper until their obituary is printed, who dont cheat on their wives with mistresses or hookers or choir boys. they are just decent hard working people who care about the people in their lives.

if i could, i'd vote for them.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

one book i am definitely NOT reading

so i found this (ashamedly) on Joshua Harris' website (why i was there i dont really know) and it made me want to cry. seriously. God doesnt want us to do it all. He wants us to need him, because we do need him. He takes away our need to do it all. so these Girl Talk women said on their blog, "For girls, we wrote Girl Talk to help moms inspire their daughter to biblical womanhood. For young girls, a kitchen set might also help."

i have to go puke now.

there is so much Christian literature that should be burned. (not all mind you. just A LOT)

Thursday, July 5, 2007

new favorite movie

written by douglas coupland, who is by far one of my favorite writers. it is just like reading one of his books, which obviously makes perfect sense, but for some reason was a huge surprise for me.

anyway it's great, if you have the opportunity i suggest seeing it. and you should read his books, i suggest starting with Life After God.

oh and do not be alarmed about the "green" in the title: this film is not about environmentalism.


so im obviously bored since this will be my third post today... so i have been taking these tests (featured on the Alan Alda videos if you were so inclined to watch) and i have found out that i slightly prefer skinny people to fat people, that i moderately prefer Judaism to other religions, and that i strongly associate males with science and females with liberal arts...(shrug)

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

enough with the barking

sometimes i am tempted to shoot my neighbor's dog...

happy Fourth

so this is the first day in a long time that i do not have to attend either class or work. of course this means i have no idea what to do with myself...
so far i have accomplished: waking up at 5 AM by the sound of someone being beaten to death outside my bedroom window, though if that was indeed what transpired i do not know, i was too scared to look (i hate living in a city where i cannot walk anywhere by myself after twilight), getting coffee (muy importante), and killing a cesspool of baby ants in my bathroom sink (yes my bathroom, and only in my sink...apparently they were attracted by toothpaste and hand soap residue). i do not know what other
shenanigans could possibly fit into this day. only time will tell.