Monday, June 18, 2007

"FASHION" as sung by David Bowie

well the sumer quarter has indeed begun. i am taking a photo class (personal vision dos), psychology (woop-ee) and i am taking a fashion class. yes, angela is taking a fashion class. in my defense it is really a sewing class and i am indeed very excited about it. however. the fashion department has a dress code (eloquently described to the left). this of course has no bearings on me because quite frankly i don't care and just because i am taking a fashion class it doesn't really make me a part of the department (this is how i plan on justifying my lack of a 'fashion' appearance). i had heard rumblings of this in the fall, but i was not aware of how true it was until today. i mean it is part of the syllabus, which seems beyond ridiculous to me and basically goes against everything i stand for, but alas, i chose to take the class, so here i find myself. other than the dress code i think it is going to be pretty cool. it's always fun venturing outside of the photo department, and my professor is like my grandmother, super sweet but full of spit fire (which is hilarious). oh yeah, and there are seniors from the fashion department having to retake the class because they received a C or lower years before when they took it for the first time. one of the girls had a piece in the fashion show in may and she has to retake it. pretty ridiculous. in her words, "you would think they would realize that some people should just be exempt" but no this is SCAD we are talking about, a money grubbing whore of an art institution, so of course they just want their money and do not care that these students obviously have the sewing skills necessary to work in the industry, and they are making soon to be almuni miserable by making them retake their first fashion class ever. i guess the saddest part is that it didn't surprise me.

but all of that aside, i am actually looking forward to this quarter, which really surprised me. i don't know if it is just because i have tonight off from work, or if i am generally excited about making work. only time will tell.


Unknown said...

"an overall 'fashion' appearance" ... they do not, however, need to learn proper grammar. Here in the SCAD Fashion Department, we are judged by our looks, not by whether or not we can write or speak.

LeaningAnimal said...

like fer sure (hair flip)

chris said...

hhmmm...unfortunately i have to disagree about the exemption idea for the sewing class. but that is what i am suppose to do right...disagree with you?

LeaningAnimal said...

i have no idea what you are talking about chris-pa-per