Saturday, November 3, 2007

moving out and moving on

so i moved out of Savannah and into Atlanta, where i am currently boarding with Chris and Kendra. Let me just say... it is awesome. My bathroom is bigger than my old kitchen and bathroom were combined. And i can ride MARTA (the ATLs version of the T) places without driving, which is fantabulous. and there is a HUGE farmer's market where i bought FRESH pasta. (FYI i once went looking for fresh pasta in savannah and the clerks at the grocery store looked at me like i had three heads)

all in all it is just really amazing living somewhere where i...
a) enjoy cooking again
b) enjoy showering again
c) dont feel like my apartment might explode
d) am less concerned about being mugged or shot or both simultaneously

i have yet to figure out the job stuff (which i am definitely looking into, don't you worry) but overall i feel more at peace right now than i have in months.

it's a good feeling.

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