Friday, November 16, 2007

LaGuardia is Crappia

New York's LaGuardia airport is by far one of the worst airports i have ever been in. I exited the plane and because my connecting flight was in the Gate C areai had to go through security AGAIN. plus they don't really have any food options except these little kiosks with pre-prepped food. i've been eating like 3 eggs with veggies for breakfast lately, so my body doesnt really want just an apple.

come on

so i was sitting in the airport watching CNN and they were covering/hosting a debate with the presidential candidates from the democratic party. i guess all of the questions were taken from the studio audience, which for the most part was fine, until the last question, which came from this sorority girl. She asked Senator Clinton which she preferred, diamonds or pearls.

so you're sitting in the audience at a CNN sponsored debate with all these influential people discussing topics that matter in the upcoming election and i dont know but you just cant let Hillary go until you find out her preference for diamonds or pearls (it's both by the way).

if i saw Hillary Clinton walking down the street and i had the opportunity to ask her anything, i sure hope to God it would have nothing to do with jewelery.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

jumping on the bandwagon

So I'm sure you have heard by now that the Writer's Guild of America (WGA) is on strike...and rightfully so. I'm sure there is a lot more to the story but here are the basics, as i understand them:

writers aren't compensated for the full episodes currently running online on,, and they are not compensated because it is "promotional" material. "promotional" material that has advertisements.
They are also not compensated when their show is sold digitally, like on iTunes. The Office made $7 million on iTunes, the writers got nothing. Ironically you cannot buy the current season of The Office on iTunes, if i were to guess i would say this is because it became harder for NBC exec's to not give the writers their share of the money, so they did it their way. So say you go on and watch a full episode of the Office with five commercials in it and the writers don't see a dime of this because it's promotional, but the dudes running NBC get money because they know, as does most of America, lots of people watch stuff on the internet. Another example is that the writers of The Office won an Emmy for the webisodes on (which also contain advertisements) and NBC did not pay the writers for this, in fact they did not even pay the $28 for the writers to have the actual Emmy statue. so basically the writers are striking because they recognize new media as a new avenue for their work to be seen, and also a new way for them to be exploited.

i am pretty angry about this not only because i am a huge Office fan, but mostly because i am an artist and can understand the frustration about new media. this is a fight that needs to be won, or artists are going to continue to get screwed over.

For more information to make up your own mind:
United Hollywood
Pam's Blog

"The Office is Closed"

Saturday, November 3, 2007

oh yeah...

i forgot to mention that i almost ran over illeana douglas on the day i was moving. She was in Savannah for the Film Festival. i secretly wish i had actually hit her, not hurt her at all, just nudged her a smidge, just so i could say "I hit Ileana Douglas with my car"
i would much rather have hit her than to have actually met her. i think this means that there is something profoundly wrong with me.

moving out and moving on

so i moved out of Savannah and into Atlanta, where i am currently boarding with Chris and Kendra. Let me just say... it is awesome. My bathroom is bigger than my old kitchen and bathroom were combined. And i can ride MARTA (the ATLs version of the T) places without driving, which is fantabulous. and there is a HUGE farmer's market where i bought FRESH pasta. (FYI i once went looking for fresh pasta in savannah and the clerks at the grocery store looked at me like i had three heads)

all in all it is just really amazing living somewhere where i...
a) enjoy cooking again
b) enjoy showering again
c) dont feel like my apartment might explode
d) am less concerned about being mugged or shot or both simultaneously

i have yet to figure out the job stuff (which i am definitely looking into, don't you worry) but overall i feel more at peace right now than i have in months.

it's a good feeling.