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no offense to blondes, natural or otherwise. i thought this was funny more because of the geometric implications than anything.
yes, i am nerdy... but in a super sexy kind of way.
so this woman comes into the bar last night and she is very well endowed, and every guy in the room keeps ogling her. she will constantly go through relationships wondering why the guy is really with her. she can have 'em.
i had to watch these videos today as homework for my psychology class and to my surprise found them incredibly interesting. maybe you will too. alan alda is apparently very interested in science. who knew?
so i came upon this writer's site i don't know how long ago, and thinking it was clever told myself i would have to read her book.
and so today i saw it at barnes and noble and read this passage:
"If you are sad, ask yourself why you are sad. Then pick up the phone and call someone and tell him or her the answer to the question. If you don't know anyone, call the operator and tell him or her. Most people don't know that the operator has to listen, it is the law. Also, the postman is not allowed to go inside your house, but you can talk to him on public property for up to four minutes or until he wants to go, whichever comes first."needless to say, she kinda caught me. so i bought the damn book. i am easy prey.
you would think i would have invested in galoshes or at least an umbrella after four years of indeterminable rainfall, but no. alas i find myself extremely wet.
so i natuarally had issues with financial aid again this quarter which for the first time ever was in fact my doing. however. my student account representative, a ms. stacy allen did not notify me until 5:33pm wednesday, june 13th, that, "Please be advised that your student account reflects a summer balance. Summer tuition fees were due June 1st. summer classes will be dropped on Thursday by the closing of business." awesome. yes, i did apply for FAFSA and my loan late, i realize this, but in my defense i was busy and i kept running into problems with my father's reported finances, etc. i mean what motivation do i have to do things on time, they always mess it up anyway, and quite frankly i feel like it was Stacy Allen's responsibility to let me know at the beginning of june that my payment hadn't been received, not less than 24hours before they drop my classes, by then it is practically too late. practically mind you, because i was willing to put over half of my bill on my credit card i was able to avoid this mess, but mostly it was because of Susan Heath. When i went to talk to Stacy Allen, she had just moments before i arrived gone upstairs, so she could not meet with me (can we say divine intervention), so instead i had to meet with Ms. Heath, who was very accomodating and understanding and without any argument (shocking!!!) got me all set up and ready to go. for the first time ever when leaving the bursar's office i was relieved instead of enraged, pretty amazing if i do say so myself. also the next day when i called Susan to follow up and make sure everything was good to go, she actually answered her phone. i have never been able to call Stacy Allen and actually talk to her. i have always had to leave a message, then she calls me back when i am at work or something, several hours later. i mean never, in all my four years have i been able to talk to her directly the first time i call over the phone. but i was able to with Susan. i just thank God, right when i went to see Stacy Allen, she went upstairs and i had to see Susan. it was definitely a God thing.
well the sumer quarter has indeed begun. i am taking a photo class (personal vision dos), psychology (woop-ee) and i am taking a fashion class. yes, angela is taking a fashion class. in my defense it is really a sewing class and i am indeed very excited about it. however. the fashion department has a dress code (eloquently described to the left). this of course has no bearings on me because quite frankly i don't care and just because i am taking a fashion class it doesn't really make me a part of the department (this is how i plan on justifying my lack of a 'fashion' appearance). i had heard rumblings of this in the fall, but i was not aware of how true it was until today. i mean it is part of the syllabus, which seems beyond ridiculous to me and basically goes against everything i stand for, but alas, i chose to take the class, so here i find myself. other than the dress code i think it is going to be pretty cool. it's always fun venturing outside of the photo department, and my professor is like my grandmother, super sweet but full of spit fire (which is hilarious). oh yeah, and there are seniors from the fashion department having to retake the class because they received a C or lower years before when they took it for the first time. one of the girls had a piece in the fashion show in may and she has to retake it. pretty ridiculous. in her words, "you would think they would realize that some people should just be exempt" but no this is SCAD we are talking about, a money grubbing whore of an art institution, so of course they just want their money and do not care that these students obviously have the sewing skills necessary to work in the industry, and they are making soon to be almuni miserable by making them retake their first fashion class ever. i guess the saddest part is that it didn't surprise me.
but all of that aside, i am actually looking forward to this quarter, which really surprised me. i don't know if it is just because i have tonight off from work, or if i am generally excited about making work. only time will tell.
so these last couple of weeks have been crazy, i finished the quarter, luckily maintaining my 3.6 GPA, how i couldn't say, but it did in fact happen. i then went to houston, tex-Ass to visit my bro and sis(in-law) and my nephew, ethan. ethan, at the tender age of 6 months has learned how to use his vocal cords quite effectively. we aren't talking about crying here, we're talking about deep guttural vocalizations. he can make such an awful sound you cant help but break into hysterics out of total disbelief that the sound is coming from such a small human being (i guess you will all have to go to tex-Ass to hear it for yourselves). needless to say, it was a good time. on my return trip though, my flight was delayed so much that i was unable to return on the scheduled day of my departure, but the day after, which gave me the wonderful opportunity to go from the airport straight to work. ( i hate you, US Airways, not that i minded hanging out with the texans for another day, but it's just that flying can be so frustrating) oh yeah and i lost my keys in the process (i blame this on the influence of a certain mike gagne). i then spent this past week with some of my best friends, chris and kendra, hanging out and helping them pack, because yesterday they moved to Atlanta, which is very good for them and the progression of their lives, but sad for me. i will miss them greatly. so yeah things have been crazy. like shmooggada-booggada crazy.
i have finally completed spring quarter 2007. i have to say it was definitely the hardest 3 months (as of yet) of my college career, and now it's over soooo high fives all around!!!