Sunday, May 6, 2007

workin' it

things i am tired of talking about with random old people:
where i am from,
what brought me
to savannah,
where i go to school,
what i am studying,
what my plans are after i graduate.
and just so people know:
sleep. thats my plan. i plan on sleeping and sewing aprons.
all of my dreams now include pouring drinks and messing up people's tabs. i am at work even when i am asleep.
last night i spilled drinks on this group of teachers from high schools around the country checking out what SCAD has to offer. did i do this subconsciously?? that has yet to be determined.

ADDENDUM: people are annoying with their drink orders. case in point: do you make a good bloody mary? this isnt a question. this is a "if you dont make me agood drink i will not tip you" threat. and it makes me want to make it with my saliva, which i could never actually do but seriously... give me a break. of course my drinks are good. they contain your current drug of choice, alcohol.

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