Monday, May 28, 2007


have you ever had one of those days/nights at work when you can feel every second tick by painfully slow?

quite frankly i think it's really disrespectful when a bartender says they are closed (at 11pm FYI) and that they already gave last call and people sit there and argue with them about how it's memorial day weekend and that the bar should be open until at least 12 blah blah blah. i stayed open for this same group until 2:30AM last night. and they have the gall to argue with me about closing time being 11, then sit in my bar until 11:45 ANYWAY and i still dont get out of work until 12:30. people like them should be damned to a bartending purgatory of never ending last calls where no one will listen when they say it's closing time.

last night i was also lucky enough to witness a young couple in the beginning stages of their budding romance makeout in front of me (they were sitting at the bar --in front of my register) and say things to each other like "what's your favorite movie?" or my personal favorite, "what's your favorite color" and "i have nothing to complain about your body, your body's perfect"

i had to swallow my vomit on more than one occasion

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I loved the last few lines!