Thursday, March 8, 2007


for all of you in warmer climates, say georgia maybe, this is what snow is. S-N-O-W. So when i mention it there is no what? oh, white stuff? yeah i'm wearing shorts. you know who you are.

speaking of georgia i'm about to go back down to complete my college education...i'm super excited while simultaneously freaked out. this is it. the reality of the situation is finally sinking in --if i dont get my shnizzle together i will be bartending at the mulberry for the the next decade. i don't know what my next move is..houston? oregon? back here? live on a communal farm in france? but to be honest this doesnt really concern me, what concerns me is going back to the reality of work and school. what excites me is seeing the people who i have missed so much.

this internship and everything that came with the decision to move back up here has been one of the strangest experiences of my life.


mike gagne said...

im telling you.

just drop out.

youll thank me later.

kendra said...

snow, snow, how i do not miss thee. you're gonna be so HAPPY when you get back to the warmth of the SAV.

you'll do great in your last quarter, i have faith in you.

and this mike character sounds like a bad influence. shame on you, mike character!

chris said...

i am happy to see your constant used of the polaroids.