Tuesday, March 27, 2007

i hate SCAD+ all their greediness

the always wonderful savannah college of art and design (SCAD) decided to send back my financial aid after assuring me four months ago that it would be in place upon my return.

this is the second time this exact thing has happened, the third time they've tried to screw me over, and surprisingly it still pissed me off.

Monday, March 26, 2007

seeing the Beauty

i randomly came upon this photo... its from Instant Light, Tarkovsky's Polaroids

it's something we all need to be said every once and a while.

an SAV homecoming

so i am now back in the heat of the south. this is a picture of my "welcome home" cake given to me by the always wonderful Skeene couple. (they are pretty fantabulous.) in case you cant really make it out it is a "Leaning Animal, Pork Chop" on top of a cake pooping brown jelly beans. let me tell you, nothing says love like a pooping plastic cake ornament.

like, for real.

Monday, March 19, 2007

this is a nerd snake:

the greatest of all amphibians....and friends

you, me, and abortion: part one of a bajillion

abortion is a hard decision to make that surprisingly doesnt become crystal clear when you enter an abortion clinic surrounded by a bunch of christians holding signs.

maybe instead of always trying to scare and guilt people out of having abortions we should try and understand why they would want one in the first place...and maybe even give them the tools to prevent pregnancy.

the US Open (of snowboarding NOT golf)

my time in Stratton, Vermont can be summed up with this:

rain, snow, wind, more snow, alcohol, and dancing...lots and lots of dancing

and the occasional bear hug

and also my boyfriend, Shaun White

(to learn more about this fascinating individual click here)

Tuesday, March 13, 2007


in approximately 4 minutes it will be Pi Day.
Pi as in π.
my suggestion: consume pie and reminisce about calculating equations involving Pi.

kudos to a certain nerd snake for keeping me in the loop.

Thursday, March 8, 2007


for all of you in warmer climates, say georgia maybe, this is what snow is. S-N-O-W. So when i mention it there is no what? oh, white stuff? yeah i'm wearing shorts. you know who you are.

speaking of georgia i'm about to go back down to complete my college education...i'm super excited while simultaneously freaked out. this is it. the reality of the situation is finally sinking in --if i dont get my shnizzle together i will be bartending at the mulberry for the the next decade. i don't know what my next move is..houston? oregon? back here? live on a communal farm in france? but to be honest this doesnt really concern me, what concerns me is going back to the reality of work and school. what excites me is seeing the people who i have missed so much.

this internship and everything that came with the decision to move back up here has been one of the strangest experiences of my life.

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

this is the sewing machine i received from my parents for
christmas. it is now march and i have finally learned how to use it.

(i have become way too domesticated.)

Monday, March 5, 2007

to my chagrin
pumas are not
made for
a LeaningAnimal for your viewing pleasure

Lego Star Wars

a surprisingly entertaining video game that includes little lego men dressed as star wars characters. when they shoot each other all their lego pieces are blown apart. plus there are light sabers. need i say more?

Friday, March 2, 2007

the science of sleep

any movie that
shows a piano
tumbling downstairs
is fine by me.

top ten things

these are some of my most enjoyable pastimes:
10. getting paid for anything that does not involve serving
alcoholic beverages to drunkards
9. cooking
8. drinking wine and beer with good company
6. musica
5. talk radio: LoveLine as of most recent
4. reading anything that has writing on it
3. giving a high fiver
2. taking photographs
1. proving chris wrong

i'm sure this makes me a very bad person

Snow Removal in Portland, Maine

grossly inadequate

my mother tried to call me at work today

(enough said)