Monday, December 31, 2007

a quaint village in vermont?

no, it's just the view from my new apartment.

Friday, December 21, 2007

my hair, a truly vapid topic of conversation

so, my hair does not look like this. i'm pretty sure it looks better than this, maybe i'm wrong, i dont know. my point being, the other night i was going to go out with some friends and my mom followed me to my room and said, "i was wondering how you were going to wear your hair..."
me: "ummm why does it matter?"
her: "well i just dont understand why you like to wear your hair so messy, and i'm worried that men aren't going to be attracted to you because you wear it so messy."

at this point i dont know what to say since i think this is the most ridiculous thing i have ever heard. so me and my mom had a fight about my hair not being neat enough to attract men.

if i am single because of my hair, i hope to be single forever.

oh and for those of you who were wondering, this is why i can never live my parents ever again.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

The Slowsky's

this website is seriously one of the best websites i have ever seen. it was designed by this awesome firm called Honest, which was how i found it. i totally want something like this for my portfolio site. for my first website i stamped all of the text on paper and then scanned it, which was incredibly time consuming and i think it came out ok, not the greatest thing ever or anything but it worked (i am too embarrassed to post the link). tee hee.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Flight of the Conchords - Bret You Got It Goin On

bret does have it goin on. i'm sure you would agree.